Ingenious: adjective \in-'jen-yus\
1. showing or calling for intelligence, aptitude, or discernment; marked by inventive skill; creative. 2. Imaginative and resourceful; clever.
In the 236-year history of the United States of America, there has been no greater system of oppression than the one designed to work against the African American people. No greater polarity has existed more than the one that we ourselves have created. For centuries, black people have been denied even the most basic civil and political rights, access to well-paying jobs, and even an appropriate way of living. This has led to a deep divide among each other on what to do. Do we acknowledge the existence of a system of oppression (or worse, deny it), but just let it continue, go on about our business, and try to make a living however we can with whatever minimum wage jobs we can get access to? Or do we rise up as one to bring awareness on said system and work to fight against and, hopefully, dismantle it in order to give our people access to the very best education, jobs, and way of life?
In the 1700s, 1800s, and early 1900s, our people always had leaders pushing for economic, civil, and political rights. People like A. Phillip Randolph, W.E.B. DuBois, Rosa Parks, and most especially Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., were exceptional in their ability to stand up and become leaders in the fight against the injustice that kept black people in a subordinate and stagnant role in American society. This is similar to what we need in today’s age; leaders that will step up and fight against the injustice that still goes on against not only black people, but people of other minority races. We must also strive to bring our people together and educate them on the well-paying jobs they may not have access to and the constitutional rights they are guaranteed but are ignorant of.
That is what the Ingenious Movement is, a movement with one universal goal: to bring together and raise awareness for black people on matters that they may not be fully aware of. In addition to that universal goal, this group will:
- Create a call for discernment
- Promote positive social change among our people
- Strive for thoughtful and inspiring ideals
- Bring awareness to the crippling effects of racism and its system of oppression and how to fight it
And we will not stop here. We will strive to extend our goals to other minority ethnicities and work together with them to bring change to this disgusting state of society. However, to quote a line from a film, “We can’t change the world unless we change ourselves.”
This blog site is one giant step in the right direction for the Ingenious Movement. Each view counts, every comment is much appreciated, and all interested parties are more than welcome to join.
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